Terms and conditions

**Terms and Conditions**

**Staybene.com Limited**

**I. Preamble**

These terms and conditions govern the contractual relationship between the service provider (especially accommodation and other services) Staybene.com Limited, 72 Great Suffolk Street, SE1 0BL, London, United Kingdom (hereinafter referred to as the "Seller") and individuals or legal entities seeking to arrange services (hereinafter referred to as the customer).

**I. Establishment of a contractual relationship**

The contractual relationship between the Seller and the customer is established by issuing a document of the contract (hereinafter referred to as the Hotel Reservation Confirmation). The Hotel Reservation Confirmation is always sent by the Seller based on the customer's order, and it includes details of the reserved hotel, type of rooms, number of people, date of arrival, number of secured nights, type of meal plan, and price.

**III. Price of services**

The price of the provided services, as stated in the Seller's offer and the Hotel Reservation Confirmation, is a contractual price and includes services that are individually listed for each reservation in the Seller's offer and subsequently in the Hotel Reservation Confirmation. Services that the customer chooses not to use are not financially claimable.

The full price of the trip must be paid to the Seller before it is provided. The price is payable in two installments, with a deposit of 50% of the total price due 35 days before the agreed trip date unless the Seller approves a different payment date. For last-minute bookings (less than 30 days before the trip), the customer must pay the full price immediately after receiving the Hotel Reservation Confirmation. Any payment is considered completed when the corresponding amount is credited to the Seller's account. If the customer does not meet the payment deadline, the Seller is entitled to withdraw from the contract. In such a case, the customer is required to pay a cancellation fee in the same amount and under the same conditions as stated in Article VI.

**IV. Possibility of price increase**

The Seller reserves the right to increase the price of services in necessary cases (especially due to exchange rate changes or hotel price increases). The Seller must inform the customer of this change immediately.

If the price of services increases by more than 10% of the original service price, the customer has the right to withdraw from the contract in writing within 5 days of the announcement of the price increase. In this case, the customer is entitled to a full refund of the amount paid for services. If the withdrawal occurs after this period or if the price increase is less than 10%, the Seller's cancellation terms apply.

All reservation changes (especially changes in reservation date, hotel, room type, etc.) must be communicated to the Seller as soon as possible by sending an email with the requested change to info@staybene.com. Every change will be confirmed to the customer if it can be made. If the change cannot be made or is not confirmed, the original Hotel Reservation Confirmation applies.

**V. Rights and obligations of the contracting parties**

**Rights and obligations of the customer:**

a. To require services to be provided to the agreed extent and price,

b. To be informed of any possible changes,

c. To behave in such a way during the use of the arranged services that does not cause harm to third parties (hotelier, carrier, etc.). If damage occurs, the customer must fully compensate the harmed party,

d. To act only in accordance with the rules and laws of the visited country.

**Rights and obligations of the Seller:**

a. The Seller has the right to change individual services from those agreed in the contract (hotel reservation confirmation) that are necessary and not caused intentionally by the Seller, provided these changes are not significant and do not affect the overall character of the services provided,

b. The Seller has the right to postpone or cancel the services in accordance with Article V of these terms and conditions,

c. To duly provide the services explicitly included in the price according to the Hotel Reservation Confirmation,

d. To inform the customer without unnecessary delay about any changes to the information specified in the Hotel Reservation Confirmation.

**VI. Trip cancellation**

The customer has the right to withdraw from the Hotel Reservation Confirmation with the Seller before the trip starts in writing, and the cancellation date is considered the date of delivery of the withdrawal from the Hotel Reservation Confirmation to the Seller's email address info@staybene.com. The cancellation fees are charged as follows:

- 35 days or more before the arrival date: 0% of the total service price

- 20 to 34 days before the arrival date: 50% of the total service price

- 11 to 19 days before the arrival date: 70% of the total service price

- 10 days or less before the arrival date: 100% of the total service price

The arrival date refers to the date specified in the Hotel Reservation Confirmation. The total price of services refers to the price indicated in the Hotel Reservation Confirmation or the Proforma Invoice.

The Seller has the right to withdraw from the contract with the customer if a certain event occurs due to force majeure, i.e., reasons that could not have been prevented or foreseen when concluding the contract (e.g., climatic or political conditions, severe floods, war threats, etc.). These reasons must be of an entirely objective and demonstrable nature. If the trip is canceled for these reasons, the customer will receive a refund of the service price paid without undue delay. The customer is not entitled to any further compensation.

The Seller also has the right to withdraw from the contract with the customer if the hotel where rooms were reserved for the customer cancels the reservation. In such a case, the Seller will first try to offer the customer another suitable and comparable service, and if this alternative cannot be provided, the customer will receive a refund of the service price paid without undue delay. The customer is not entitled to any further compensation.

The Seller has the right to withdraw from the contract if the customer does not pay the total service price by the due date specified on the invoice. In the event of withdrawal for this reason, the customer must pay the Seller a cancellation fee of 100% of the total service price.

The customer acknowledges and expressly agrees that the Seller is entitled to offset cancellation fees and other claims against the deposit or paid trip price.

**VII. Service complaints**

The customer may assert a right to a complaint if the quality and scope of services do not match the Hotel Reservation Confirmation. The customer must report the detected defect without undue delay upon arrival at the hotel and resolve the issue with the reception or hotel management so that the correction can be made immediately on-site. If the defect is not resolved directly by hotel representatives, the customer must also inform the Seller's representative either on-site or by phone at +420 770 771 918. Your complaint will be investigated, and any compensation will be made in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Civil Code.

If the services provided are defective and the customer notifies the Seller without undue delay, the customer is entitled to a discount from the price proportionate to the extent and duration of the defect. If the customer does not notify the defect without undue delay, they are not entitled to a discount from the service price. If circumstances arise that are beyond the control of the Seller, the customer is not entitled to reimbursement or a discount from the service price.

**VIII. Final provisions**

Unless otherwise stated in the confirmation of the trip or these terms and conditions, the contractual relationship between the Seller and the customer is governed by Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code.

The customer expressly agrees to the use of their personal data in accordance with Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the Protection of Personal Data and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended, for the purpose of providing the trip.

These terms and conditions are effective for all contractual relationships concluded from December 1, 2016.